This page describes the project and the special 3D accelerometric array (ARGONET) that was designed and installed in Argostoli-Cephalonia (Greece).
Title: SINAPS@[Earthquake and Nuclear Facilities : Ensuring Safety and Sustaining]
Date: 2014 – 2018
Funding Organisation: ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche, France)
Partners: CEA , EDF , ENS Cachan, Ecole Centrale Paris , Ecole Centrale Nantes, Grenoble Polytechnic Institute , Areva, IRSN , EGIS – Industries, Université Joseph ISTerre , IFSTTAR, CEREMA Méditerranée, PIA –RSNR, EPPO-ITSAK, TEI Ionion Nison
Coordinator: CEA, IRSN, France (C. Berge-Thierry)
Project Manager: EPPO-ITSAK (N. Theodoulidis)
Description: The SINAPS@ research program ( aims at exploring the uncertainties inherent in databases, knowledge of the physical processes and methods used at each step of the evaluation of the seismic hazard and the vulnerability of structures and nuclear components, in the context of a safety approach. The main objective is to identify or/and quantify the seismic margins resulting from assumptions or when selecting the level of seismic design, i.e. taking into account the uncertainties in the conservative choice, or design strategy. SINAPS@ project will help to address safety issues highlighted following the Fukushima accident, especially with regard to seismic safety margins. For this purpose, a special 3D accelerometric array (ARGONET) was designed and will be installed in Argostoli-Cephalonia (Greece). Recordings from this array will effectively contribute to understanding of those parameters that define uncertainties in estimating strong ground motion.

Geologic cross-section of the ARGONET area (Hollender t al. 2015).